Knox-Johnston’s Vendee Globe View - Thursday 7 Janury

Maître CoQ continues its excellent progress and has put more than 400 miles between itself and the pursuers with a day's run of 353 miles aided by easterly winds of 17 knots. 

The weather systems in the area are still confusing. Only two miles separate Apivia, Groupe-Apicil and Linked Out but their wind is north easterly. This is forcing them west of north for the moment. But they are likely to get a complete wind shift later today caused by a low pressure system off the Argentine coast which will make their inside route profitable for a while. 

The next seven boats, spread over 300 miles have northerly winds and as a group decided that east offers them better chances as they race to get north of an area of high pressure with its promises of easterly winds. Getting north is richer for them as well. The South Atlantic High System is in about 25 degrees south Latitude, some 800 miles north of the Maître CoQ, but with another low pressure system in the way. Only when that is reached do the winds look like they will become predictable again.

Romain Antanasio in 14th place is rounding the Horn now, some 1,200 miles ahead of Pip Hare, in 15th place, who is having autopilot problems. Miranda Merron has still 3,000 miles to go to the Cape.